
A Jump(er) Start

So, I while my intention is to size down my wardrobe, I guess that requires to purchase some pieces before doing so, or so it seems. Well, I have done just that. I am really trying to get into another mindset about wardrobe and fit and clothing in general, and well, its hard. I have made strides though. I recently spent what I am now calling my "seasonal clothing allowance" for Fall. I believe these pieces will serve me well, and with a blazer, thrifted button up blouse or two, and a couple of stable dresses, I think I will be on my way. I realized recently while thrifting that the main reason why I accumulate so much is that my clothing interests are so broad. I came home with three choice pieces that day. Two with tags still on them, a blouse from J Crew and Banana Republic sweater dress, very versatile, classic pieces. I picked up about 7 other pieces that I would have normally taken with me, but I reminded myself, REDUCE! So, the irony of it is, my clothing needs to have a personality change ( to an extent ) which means I have to shop for new clothes. I need to at least become more particular about what I choose. So on that note I went out shopping. I picked up a pair of JAG pants that fit like a dream (on sale mind you, I avoid full retail prices) and a J Crew creme sweater with side zip. On line I found the mustard color (yay!) and a couple of pairs (henna and black) of Matchstick Cords. I went to the store and tried them on to assure they fit, then purchased them online for 20 bucks, score! So, I suppose I need to build up a staple wardrobe before I can actually have a minimal wardrobe. Whats interesting is that this really requires me to think differently about consuming in general. I want to do this to simplify my life, feel good about myself, and start making smart purchasing decisions. It's ok though, because I run a vintage shop so my "thrift urges" outlet will be for the shop. WIN WIN! (tiger blood!)


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